Incident Command

Incident Command

To provide delegates with an introduction to understanding the role and hierarchy of Incident command that can be applied to an effective integrated resolution of both spontaneous incidents and planned operations. Achieving and delivering an effective resolution by way of Operational (Bronze) command at the scene. Tactical (Silver) management of the incident and a Strategic (Gold) overview to protect life, property and the environment by understanding the site/business’s Emergency Plans (Emergency Response Plan) and overall response framework for an incident.

Next Available Course: Available on request
Duration: 1 Day
Validation: 3 Years
Price per course (max 8): £1870 +VAT

Course Benefits

On successful completion of the course, the student will have the knowledge and skills to:

  • Understand roles & responsibilities for managing incidents
  • How to implement site response plans effectively to mitigate risk to life & property
  • Understand the impact of safety-critical command skills, leadership, situational awareness, decision making, interpersonal communication, personal resilience and teamwork
  • Benefits of aligning to effective integrated multi-agency operational response under the Joint Emergency Services
  • Interoperability Principles (JESIP) and the robust Joint
  • Decision Model (JDM) to assist in delivering an effective resolution to an incident
  • Understanding the role of the scribe/loggist, media liaison/press officer
  • Understand the importance of incident investigation, debriefing and sharing lessons learned
  • Table-Top emergency incident exercise utilising clients own Emergency Response Plan (ERP) or Business Response
  • Plans to understand and evaluate effectiveness of incident management decisions.

Course Syllabus

Operational, Tactical & Strategic Incident Command

  • Introduction to the roles & responsibilities of a site Incident
  • Commander or as part of the onsite Incident Management Team.
  • Enables those in charge of an incident to effectively understand the impact of safety-critical command skills; leadership, situational awareness, decision making, interpersonal communication, personal resilience, teamwork.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities required within the command structure to successfully record and resolve the situation with direction and action.
  • Understanding of legal requirements; HSW act, Civil Contingencies and Corporate responsibilities.
  • Understand importance of putting into place Emergency Plans and escalating critical information to implement Business Continuity Plans and Consequence Management.
  • Understand effective and holistic incident command, barriers to communication and human factors.
  • Understanding the effective integrated multi-agency operational response under the Joint Emergency Services
  • Interoperability Principles (JESIP) and the robust Joint Decision Model (JDM) delivering an effective resolution to the incident.
  • Understanding the role of the scribe/loggists, media liaison/press officer.
  • Understand the importance of de-briefing and sharing lessons learned. Including reviews to ensure lessons are learned and improvements are made. Help Identify and implement improvements to existing processes and arrangements.
  • As part of the development day, delegates will have the opportunity to evaluate and test plans relating to their own business or company.

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If you wish to send a booking enquiry or learn more about one of our courses, please contact us today.

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