Fire Marshal
Designed for Fire Marshals and Wardens to improve their knowledge and skills to perform this role.
The Fire Marshal course is valid for 2 years and is designed to equip Fire Marshals and Wardens with the skills, knowledge and understanding to safely perform both their proactive and reactive role in the workplace. As a result of attending this course, delegates will increase their competence levels, knowledge and skills in numerous fire safety related topics.
Next Available Course: Available on request
Duration: 6 Hours
Validation: 2 Years
Awarding Body:
Price per delegate: £113 +VAT
Price per course (max 12): £968 +VAT
The Role
The duties of a Fire Marshal can include;
- Identifying fire hazards at their place of work
- Note and report hazards to the relevant people (i.e. Fire Safety Officer)
- Take the correct and necessary action in the event of a fire outbreak
- Ensure that escape routes are kept clear and exit doors are available for use
- Fire extinguishers are sealed and in the correct locations
- Fire alarms are clear and unobstructed
- The position of fire safety signs
- All weekly fire alarm tests should be reported if faulty
Learning Outcomes
- Legislative responsibilities and compliance
- Duties of a fire marshal (general and site-specific)
- Science of fire
- The elements of the fire triangle (reactive and proactive)
- How fire spreads
- Fire prevention measures
- Fire actions (general and site-specific)
- Common and site-specific safety hazards
- Case study example
- Site-specific roles and responsibilities
- Classes of fire
- Different types of fire extinguishers
- Selection, capability and limitations of fire extinguishers
- Practical use of fire extinguishers utilising live-fire demonstration unit
- Practical exercises
Course Syllabus
- Legislative responsibilities
- Science of fire
- Fire spread/development
- Fire actions (general and site-specific)
- Case study examples
- Fire extinguisher types
- Selection, capability and limitations of fire extinguishers
- Fire marshal duties (general and site-specific)
- Fire triangle (reactive and proactive)
- Fire prevention
- Common/site specific safety hazards
- Site-specific roles and responsibilities
- Classes of fire
- Practical use of fire extinguishers utilising the live-fire demonstration unit
Send Booking Enquiry
If you wish to send a booking enquiry or learn more about one of our courses, please contact us today.