Tier 4: First Responder on Scene
This course is designed for any organisation who has identified they have a need for a higher level of training.
The First Responder On Scene – Tier 4 first Aid course is valid for 2 years and focuses on first responders and the delivery of an advanced level of medical care. The purpose of the course is to provide advanced trauma response and immediate life support to the patient pending the arrival of definitive pre-hospital care.
Next Available Course: Available on request
Duration: 3 Days
Validation: 2 Years
Price per course (max 6): £3410+VAT
Course Benefits
- Delegates will be trained to an advanced capability
- Our instructors are specialists and have vast experience with first aid incidents
- Greater awareness of company-wide safety measures
- Trained under the Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations
- Purpose built training facilities
- ISO accredited business
Learning Outcomes
- Upskilled employees and contractors
- Increased capabilities
- Investment in your employees and business
- Able to apply best practice procedures in your own environment
- Individuals are more equipped to deal with major incidents such as:
- Major bleeds
- Burns
- Trauma incidents
- Broken Limbs
- Resuscitation
Course Syllabus
- Scene management (including dynamic risk assessment)
- Kinematics
- Mechanisms of injury
- Catastrophic bleeding including use of advanced wound dressings and tourniquets
- Airway management including suction and orophargael airways
- Ventilation with bag valve mask
- Taking observations including blood pressure/sugar levels
- Extremity trauma including SAM and vacuum splints
- Burns – using advanced burns treatments including airways burns
- Suspension intolerance including rescue techniques
- Crush injuries
- Casualty packaging techniques inc vacuum mattress, scoop stretcher and cervical collar
- Special circumstances inc drowning, poisoning, paediatrics
- Heat-related conditions – hyper/hypothermia
- Medical emergencies (stroke, diabetes, anaphylaxis, fainting, epilepsy, asthma
etc) - Adult life support including pit crew CPR
- Safe use of an AED
- Drug therapy (i.e aspirin, glucose and epinephrine)

Send Booking Enquiry
If you wish to send a booking enquiry or learn more about one of our courses, please contact us today.